Coping Step Plans help us achieve our goals!
Coping Step Plans help us achieve our goals! Breaking an overwhelming goal into small steps, makes it easier to achieve.
Coping Step Plans help us achieve our goals! Breaking an overwhelming goal into small steps, makes it easier to achieve.
We can choose role models and support networks. Values based role models and support networks help us deal with challenging situations. They […]
We can change negative into positive thinking! We can CHOOSE to think helpful, positive (green) thoughts instead of unhelpful, negative (red) thoughts. […]
We can all choose to make thumbs up choices. What can be your thumbs up choices?
Happy, worried, sad or angry – all feelings are OK! It is what we CHOOSE to do with our feelings that counts. […]
Let us end the stigmatisation of mental health and mental illness. Friends Resilience Let us end the stigmatisation of mental health and […]
What does “F.R.I.E.N.D.S.” stand for?
In response to the current global pandemic, we have developed a new ‘Start Building Family Resilience’ program. This program creates a unique […]
Learn more about confidence with the FRIENDS Programs at: Friends Resilience:
It was refreshing to hear the Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern discuss wellbeing at the WEF. She espoused the platform for a wellbeing budget, where we see politics through a lens of ‘kindness, empathy and wellbeing’.